Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


When requesting a replay or re-vocal, we need three things from you:

  • what did you sample (artist, song, version, timestamps*)

  • how did you use it (send me your new song, tempo, key)

  • when do you need it by

*without accurate timestamps referencing exactly what you need replayed from the original track we cannot be held responsible for missing replayed sections



After we deliver your replay/re-vocal we will make as many amendments as necessary as long as they’re reasonable requests.



Payment terms: half in advance, half on completion.

The fee is a ‘buy out’ and you own the copyright of the new recording that we deliver.



If requested, you must agree to sign a letter confirming label copy credits for all the musicians/vocalists and eligible studio producers involved in the recording of the sample in order that they may claim non-featured performer royalties where applicable. These royalties cost you nothing and do not affect your share.