How to make claims on myPPL for session musicians:

Log into ‘MyPPL’ > MUSIC tab > Search Repertoire.

Leave highlighted ‘Recordings’, ‘Everything’, ‘All’, and tick ‘disable suggestions’.

You are now searching for the current artist and song title (not the sampled/covered artist & song title). This information is not always available before the track is released.

For ‘Band/Artist name’ change ‘is’ to ‘includes’ and type a part of the artist’s name (ie. for ‘Illyus & Barrientos’ just type ‘Illyus’). Now click ‘Add More’ to add another line and select ‘Recording title’ from the drop down menu. Again change ‘is’ to ‘includes’ and type a part of the song title. If you choose ‘John’ and ‘Love’ for the two selections then your search will reveal thousands of songs but if you choose ‘Knight’ and ‘Sweat’ then the results will be much more refined and hopefully only one page. This ‘fuzzy’ search will hopefully catch all the versions of a song where it’s been remixed or edited (in which case the song title will be different), or they’ve added a featured artist or collaborated with someone at the last minute (in which case the artist name will be different).

Tick all the versions of the track you performed on then click ‘claim’, ‘submit claim’ followed by ‘go to basket’.

Claims basket:

Tick all of the selections in the basket. Now in the dropdown menus ‘Contribution Category’ select ‘Non-Featured Artist’, ‘Role’ select ‘vocals’ (or violin, trumpet, etc), ‘Country Of Performance’ select ‘United Kingdom’. Now click ‘Apply’ – the information in the selections should be completed. Tick ‘I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions’ the click ‘Submit completed claims’.

Eventually, you will receive emails requesting you provide evidence for your claim. Forward these to Sample Replays Ltd and we’ll get a letter from the label confirming your performance that you will then upload to complete your claim.